There is an expectation that pupils will wear the designated school uniform colours but not branded items. Exceptions may be made under SEND rulings around reasonable adjustments and also for religious/cultural reasons.
Clothing should at all times be smart, yet practical and appropriate to school activities and the following is the recommended list.
Required items (branding optional) -
Grey or Black trousers/ shorts/ skirt / pinafore
Royal blue, pale blue or white polo shirt, T shirt or white shirt
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan – items with logo are available but are not essential
Dark coloured flat shoes – trainers are acceptable if black
Hair bobbles / bands yellow / blue or white
Optional - Blue and white dress
Blue Branded Hoodie
PE Kit
Children attend school in their kit on PE days
White t shirt
Black Shorts
Black jogging bottoms or leggings (for outdoor PE only in the colder months)
Blue School jumper or Blue school hoodie
Where to obtain uniform
Link to purchase branded uniform if required ( but not essential)
Generic grey/black/blue uniform can be purchased from all major supermarkets and high street chains.
Every May the school holds a uniform swap shop where 2nd hand uniform can be acquired. We also have a supply of 2nd hand uniform in the school office.
One pair of small silver or gold studs only
A watch ( smart watches must have all online features disabled )
A cross / St. Christopher
No other jewellery will be permitted unless for religious / cultural reasons