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Always be careful when you are using the internet. It can help you to keep in touch with your friends and help your education – but it can also cause harm – to you and to others.

Remember help is always available at school if you are having any problems online.

Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher or another adult at school.

If you or anyone you know is worried about Child Exploitation, Online Protection or anything related to Internet safety please click the link below which will take you to the CEOP reporting website:


Age Ratings

Many games are meant to be played by teenagers or even adults. The age ratings are there to keep you safe from swearing, violence or scary stuff.

Keeping Your Information Private

Some games let you chat to people you don't know and let strangers ask to be your friend. Be careful when you talk to or make friends with people you don’t know. Do not tell them any private information about yourself such as your school or where you live. Some people will pretend to be nice to make friends and they might not be who they say they are. NEVER arrange to meet anyone you met on the internet.

Ask Permission

Ask your mum or dad before you sign up to a new game. They can make sure the game is okay to play and that you sign up safely. It is best to use a nickname when you sign up.

Stay In Control

Remember it is just a game! Games should be fun but it is easy to get carried away. Don't be mean to anyone if they are not as good as you and try not to worry if you are getting stuck.

In-App Purchases

Some games are designed to make you spend real money to help you in the game. It is easy to accidentally spend lots of money. Ask your mum and dad to help you turn off in-app purchases.



If you use a mobile phone it is a good idea to turn on the security settings to help keep your personal information safe.

  • Use a password, code or fingerprint to lock and unlock your phone
  • Don't give out your number to people you don't know
  • Don't answer calls from numbers you don't recognise
  • Block the number of callers who constantly bother you
  • Don't reply to messages from people you don't know
  • Don't reply to nasty messages - save them and show them to an adult

Think Before You Send

  • Never send photos of yourself, your friends or your family to someone you don't know
  • Once you have sent something you can't get it back!

Social Media

Age Limits

Most social networking sites are meant for people over the age of 13. This age limit is there to keep younger people safe and because you are unable to accept the terms of use below that age. By using social networks under the age limit you are breaking the terms of the agreement and putting yourself at risk of seeing things inappropriate for your age. You may also be allowing strangers to contact you and see photos and information about you. Some social networks also collect and sell your information to other companies.

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is when people use technology to send nasty and upsetting messages to others with the intention of hurting their feelings. Cyber bullying is particularly upsetting because the bully can get in touch with you even when you are at home.

What To Do

  • Don't reply to nasty comments or messages
  • Keep nasty messages so you have evidence of what the bully has said
  • No matter what has happened, tell a trusted adult at home or school straight away

Bullies want you to feel bad or ashamed but bullying is never your fault and it can be stopped.


Sometimes, when you are searching the internet, you might get something you don’t want to see. Here are some tips to help you find what you are looking for.

Safe Searching

Get someone to help you turn on Safe Search in Google or whichever search engine you are using. This is very important when you are searching for images. Your parents might also be able to use a filter on your internet connection.

Search Carefully

Be careful what you search for and try to type in exactly what you want. Use more than one word to describe what you are looking for and type 'for kids' or 'for KS2' as part of your search. Also, be careful with your spelling. If you spell a word wrong you might get something you didn’t want.

Fake Information

Remember that not everything you read is true. Some websites do not have accurate information and others are made to deliberately trick you. Use websites you have heard of such as the BBC and check facts with more than one website.

Tell Someone

If you do see something that upsets you turn off the screen or close the laptop lid and tell an adult straight away.

Tell Someone

At School

If you want to speak to someone at school about a problem you can speak to Miss Brack, Mr Danson, Miss Sandon or any other member of staff you like.


If you feel you can't talk to an adult you know you can call Childline on 0800 1111 or live chat to a counsellor at


You can report online abuse and inappropriate communication to CEOP at

Useful Links

The websites below give you all the information you need to stay safe online. They cover a range of topics including cyber bullying, social networking, games, chat and more. Some sites let you report something that upsets or frightens you online.

Think U Know

The Think U Know website has lots of information about keeping you safe on the internet and tells you who to talk to if you are worried about something online.

It has sections for:

5 to 7 year olds
8 to 10 year olds
11 to 13 year olds


The Digizen website provides information for young people, carers, parents and schools to help them become better digital citizens. It has particular information on cyber bullying and social networking.


UK Safer Internet Centre

The UK Safer Internet Centre has tips and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.

Safer Internet info for 3-11 year olds

Childnet International

Childnet International helps make the internet a great and safe place for children.

Childnet for Primary aged children

  • CEOP
    Helpful links to look at with your family