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Playground Buddies

At Barton St Peter's we  operate a Playground Buddy Scheme. Buddies consist  of Year 6 pupils who have been trained by Mrs Bell in school to offer support and guidance to pupils at lunchtime. They are also trained in basic first aid. Buddies work in pairs following a weekly rota and can be identified by their ‘Buddy’ badge and a tabard worn whilst on duty.

What is the role of a Playground Buddy?

Buddies will be on hand to help pupils who have fallen over, sort out minor playground disagreements fairly, instigate suitable age appropriate games, encourage shy children to join in or simply keep them company, informing staff when there are problems and setting a good example by caring for others.

The benefits of the Playground Buddy Scheme are:

  • to encourage children to take responsibility

  • to actively care for and look out for others

  • to try to ensure that all children are free from loneliness or isolation

  • to encourage children to form a variety of friendships with both older and younger pupils

  • to encourage participation in a variety of traditional and modern playtime games and activities

  • to encourage high levels of self esteem and confidence in all our pupils as valued members of our school community