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Within our PE curriculum, every child participates in two 1 hour sessions each week, where children develop a wide range of skills. These skills are developed, applied and revisited throughout the academic year in a variety of scenarios and build on previous learning in each year group.

In year 4, all pupils receive swimming lessons to enable them to become competent in swimming at least 25 metres.

In addition, we offer further opportunities during the school year to engage in inter-school sports, after school sports clubs and whole school sporting events such as team challenges and sports days.

We offer a wide range of beyond the curriculum experiences through partnerships with external companies where all children have the opportunity to develop a range of skills which they then apply in intra-house competitions ensuring all children (EYFS-YR6) experience aspects of competition.

All schools in England receive a block sum of funding called Sports Premium, which is used to support higher standards of Physical Education and greater participation in sporting events over the time that the government provides the funding. 

National Curriculum - Physical education key stages 1 to 2 (