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RSHE is supported by the curriculum for Science and PSHE. Our  RSHE policy has been developed in consultation with parents, staff, governors and the diocese and staff follow procedures in order to uphold the moral development of our children in all areas of teaching where questions relating to physical and emotional development arise. Consequently, our pupils receive their RSHE in discreet lessons but also in the wider context of relationships, so that all are prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

Our children are encouraged, from entering the Foundation Stage through to year 6, to show care and respect for themselves and each other. A programme of support to develop these skills is in place, annually provided by Big Talk Education,  and also through our Science planning ( Year 1/2 Body Parts and Growth  Year 3/4 Health  Y5/6 Life Cycles, Reproduction, Changes and Development )  

Big Talk Education

National Curriculum Science