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Church School Vision

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16 

Barton St Peter's is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, which means that the church and the Christian faith have a high profile in all that we do.

We are very proud of being part of the Church School family. Our values underpin all that we do and are shared with the whole school community. We have a close relationship with the local church St Mary's and the clergy who serve our parish; we take our distinctiveness as a Church School seriously and set great strength by the quality of the relationship within our community.

The Y6 pupils take an active part in the Church Schools Festival at Lincoln Cathedral in the summer term with Y5 having their own similar festival at St.Mary's. We attend our local church for services at  Harvest, Christmas, Candlemas and Easter in addition to our act of worship being delivered at the church at least once per term. Members of the church community support the school with events such as the Holiday Lunch Club and Activity Days in school.  In addition to work with St. Mary's we work closely with the Methodist church, and Deacon Helen, their community officer is a regular visitor to school.
We also visit local the churches to support our wider curriculum ; for example drawing in Art, investigating local history and of course RE
Local clergy and faith leaders regularly visit our school and we have close links with our Bishop's visitor, all of whom regularly lead collective worship.


The Bishop's Letter

Collective Worship at St Peter's

Our worship rota follows a varied programme of opportunities for all children and adults to engage with God, if they wish.

Monday is a whole school worship delivered by the the senior leadership team on a rota. This is our first gathering of the week and a time to come together as a family.  

Tuesday Worship sees KS2 in the hall and KS1 in classes. 

Wednesday is our visitor worship where we welcome visitors from many faiths and organisations to lead.

Thursdays is the reverse of Tuesday.

Friday worship is let your light shine time where we celebrate our successes with family and friends. 

Our worship areas always reflect the colours and thoughts of the liturgical year.

Our Candle Prayer


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We always start our worship with our candle prayer. We light three candles to remind us of the Holy Trinity and to help us to focus on what we are learning.

Bible Presentations

Barton St Peter's Church of England Primary School enjoys a special church school status and has a close relationship with the parish church of St.Mary's and the many clergy who work there.

This means that we appreciate the church message of 'faithful.confident.joyful' from the Diocese of Lincoln and try and strive to incorporate this into all that we do as a school.

From the moment the children join us they are welcomed by a gift of Bible stories and as they leave us in Year 6, they continue life's learning and faith journey with a Good News Bible from the school.  Reverend Sue,  our Bishop's Visitor presents the bibles.

How the local church communities support our school

Visitor Denomination How they support us
Fathet David   Ex Officio Governor, leads worship at school and in church
Reverend Wright Anglican Leads worship in school and at church
Reverend Tooby Anglican Leads worship in school
Reverened Tim - Padre to Mission to Seafarers Anglican Leads worship in school
Reverend Sue Anglican Bishop's Visitor - leads worship, helps us with community events
Mr Huckstep Anglican Leads worship in school
Mr Pullen Methodist Leads worship in school and in chapel
Open the book Mixed Leads worship in school
Jeff Higgins Evangelist Leads worship in school

RE at Barton St Peter's

Re and Worldviews Intent 

We passionately believe that it is key for all children to learn about a range of faiths in order to develop knowledge and tolerance by being compassionate listeners and as such, giving our children a firm foundation upon which to appreciate differences in beliefs and worldviews.

As a Church of England school, we recognise the core place that RE occupies as part of a broad and balanced curriculum and it’s foundation in a strong and inclusive community. We recognise the variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds that make up our school community and embrace this variety in the spirit of Christian welcome.

We are glad to have good relationships with faith practitioners from a range of world faiths and none, and we value their contribution to our provision of a curriculum that is progressive and connected by a rich in wealth of resources.

We actively seek to promote key British values, and see RE as one curriculum area in which our pupils can encounter and critically reflect on a range of worldviews with positivity, in order to challenge prejudice and counter racism through accurate knowledge.

RE and Worldviews implementation

We deliver a well-planned, progressive RE curriculum which helps our children to understand the religious diversity of our local area and those they have not encountered. Our creative teaching allows children to express their thoughts and opinions through a variety of lenses to ensure every child has the opportunity to achieve and ask ultimate questions. The curriculum is founded on the concepts of believing, living and thinking which are central to the disciplinary approach of the LAS syllabus which is our foundation document .

  1. Our spiral curriculum is progressive in skills and knowledge with key vocabulary and maps underpinning topics, which is subsequently built upon through our golden threads and year groups. This allows connections to be made throughout the passage of time within the long term memory.
  2. Key areas of learning are revisited regularly and links are made within and between topics which supports our children’s learning through spaced repetition and summative low stakes, high challenge assessment (Mary Myatt). Together, with formative assessment, this is used to inform future lessons in the learning sequence so that children can gather a diverse and deep understanding of the topic.
  3. Teachers plan a sequential journey of learning using formative assessment, the Locally Agreed Syllabus, Understanding Christianity and termly quizzing to assess quality and confidence amongst the discipline areas. These are shared among the LA and beyond.
  4. Carefully planned key questions enable all groups of learners to be supported and challenged at the appropriate level without placing ceilings on children’s learning.
  5. Enrichment opportunities are used to help support the learning of key aspects, for example visits to the local church and mosque, texts, music, artefacts and visitors to create a rich and immersive environment.
  6. The religions explored are grounded in the knowledge of our community and additional units are unique to our local links.
  7. We are outward looking, well informed and responsive to national trends, taking an avid interest as well as participating in the national conversation about the future direction of RE and Worldviews.

RE and Worldviews impact:

The children of BSP will leave us with an excellent knowledge of religion and the diversity of worldviews. They will be confident within themselves to ask high-level questions, hold religiously literate conversations and offer deep personal reflections. By understanding people and their unique perspective on the world and valuing this as a vital skill, we believe good RE and Worldviews plays a vital role creating a more cohesive society and preparing our children for the globalised workplace.

In this way, our children can know that they can ‘Let their Light Shine’ in whatever direction and however far they choose.

Please click the link below to read more about RE at Barton St Peter's